

Rikolto builds on a long-standing history working in Ecuador’s agricultural sector. In 2023, our projects impacted the lives of 8,729 producers.

As of 1994, we started working in the country’s cocoa and coffee sectors. In the next two decades, we built our expertise in the professionalisation of farmer organisations and sustainable production. Currently, we are implementing our Cocoa & coffee programme, and our Good Food for Cities programme in the cities of Quito and Manabi. We are also implementing a big EU-funded project called CREA, which supports Ecuadorian producer organisations and MSMEs that care about sustainability to tap into European markets.

Sustainable Cocoa and Coffee programme highlights for 2023

Rikolto is involved in technical discussions with the government on the EU's zero deforestation regulations. In 2023, we partnered with coffee associations (AACRI, APROCANE, REDESCOCPE) to strengthen their business propositions using the LINK methodology. This approach has facilitated the signing of long-term contracts with buying companies, benefiting producers. In the provinces of Imbabura and Carchi, Rikolto held workshops to improve governance and set up technical coffee roundtables. Through the EU-funded CREA project, we assessed 23 producer organisations and 42 small and medium enterprises, resulting in the development of 21 improvement plans. Rikolto also contributed to a collaborative study on the cadmium content and carbon footprint of cocoa. We also supported the governance model of the Cocoa 2030 Coalition and co-designed a national coffee roadmap to improve production and marketing practices.

Good Food for Cities programme highlights for 2023

We launched the Generation Food initiative with partners in Quito! This agri-food incubator programme supported 24 young entrepreneurs with 11 business ideas in two phases: hackathon and start up development. Participants refined business ideas that address key challenges facing the city: making food production more resilient to climate change, improving access to fresh, healthy food, and managing organic waste.


Healthy, sustainable and nutritious food in Latin American cities

We focus on creating sustainable and inclusive agri-food systems to address the challenges of hunger, malnutrition, and environmental issues in Latin America. By empowering farmers, supporting small businesses, and connecting local efforts with public policy, we aim to improve food security and create socio-economic and environmental benefits for both urban and rural communities.
Updated on:
January 6, 2025

CREA: fair and sustainable products from Ecuador for the European market

The CREA project promotes strategies to strengthen and improve the sustainability, competitiveness, innovation and integration in the European market of 38 SMEs and 25 farmer organisations, while ensuring fair employment and decent work with inclusive practices for vulnerable groups.
Updated on:
July 24, 2024

Living incomes from cocoa and coffee in Latin America

Inclusive business and sustainable agribusiness with resilient crops, providing decent incomes for entrepreneurs and producing families in Ecuador, Honduras, Guatemala and Peru.
Updated on:
July 24, 2024

Generation Food goes international

A young community of innovators wants to give their peers a sustainable future through inclusive businesses in food systems.
Updated on:
January 6, 2025

More coffee, less CO2: towards a carbon-neutral coffee in Ecuador and Peru

Carbon-neutral coffee production in agroforestry systems in Ecuador and Peru.
Updated on:
July 24, 2024

Affordable quality food for Quito's consumers

Ecuador’s rich cuisine owes its diversity to the country’s varying altitudes of specific geographic zones and its associated agricultural conditions. The growing population worldwide and in Ecuador as well, urges for future solutions to feed people quality and affordable food, especially urban consumers. City policies can offer opportunities for farmers and push food production and consumption towards more sustainability.
Updated on:
January 6, 2025

Building sustainable and resilient 'Food Hubs' in Lima and Quito

Everyone has the right to healthy, sustainable and culturally appropriate food. Yet many people still can't call this their reality. Rikolto and a consortium of organisations, Ecosad, the FUNSAD Foundation and the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) are working to change this through a participatory and collaborative research project. Their objective is to explore the potential of 'food hubs' or 'neighbourhoods' in creating resilient urban food systems in Quito and Lima.
Updated on:
January 6, 2025

Ecuadorian coffee - adding flavour to the national economy

Coffee is one of the products of the Ecuadorian economy that benefits rural families.
Updated on:
July 24, 2024

Strengthening the cocoa sector in Ecuador

We support rural families to improve the sustainability of their farms, and link producer organisations with rewarding export markets.
Updated on:
July 24, 2024

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