Sustainable cocoa and coffee

CREA: fair and sustainable products from Ecuador for the European market

February 13, 2025

The CREA project promotes strategies to strengthen and improve the sustainability, competitiveness, innovation and integration in the European market of 38 SMEs and 25 farmer organisations, while ensuring fair employment and decent work with inclusive practices for vulnerable groups. CREA is led by Rikolto, in partnership with Asociación Nacional de Fabricantes de Alimentos y Bebidas (ANFAB), Cooperación al Desarrollo de Países Emergentes (COSPE), Escuela Superior Plitécnica del Litoral (ESPOL) and KU Leuven. This project is fundedby the European Union. 

Icon Place



Ecuador & Europe

Icon Scope


6,336 farmer families (45% women, 30% young people)

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What's at stake?

In Europe, there is currently a trend indicating that consumers prefer environmentally and socially sustainable food which guarantees fair prices and inclusive models. This preference represents an opportunity for the Ecuadorian agri-food sector in a potential market of approximately 500 million inhabitants in 27 countries.

The initiative addresses the challenge of linking Ecuadorian supply and European demand for sustainable products, improving competitiveness in the agri-food sector and generating opportunities and the inclusion of the vulnerable population.

“We seek to foster an inclusive and resilient agri-food sector in the face of increasingly pressing crises, and together with our partners, the support of the EU and public and private entities, we will facilitate access to the European market for sustainable products.”

Johanna Renckens

CREA Project Manager | Rikolto

Matching supply and demand for sustainable products

If you are an importer, distributor, supermarket, retailer or industry in the EU we offer our services for free!

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Our approach

The CREA project promotes raw materials and value-added products from 8 chains: avocado, cocoa, coffee, banana, plantain, soursop, guayusa and quinoa. This selection was made in line with the current trade agreement with the EU and the trends related to the Green Deal. Explore the products.

Innovation, sustainability, research and inclusion are the key components of the CREA project.


We aim to increase the competitiveness of the agri-food export sector by improving sustainability, product quality and the commercial and logistical management of MSMEs and producer organisations. Our focus includes socio-entrepreneurial-management, application of green technologies and sustainable production processes and value addition, among others.


Besides identifying sustainable markets for the prioritised value chains, we also strengthen the digital platform Ecuador Agroalimentario as a place to showcase Ecuadorian products. In parallel, we work with public and private stakeholders to move towards an enabling environment for exports of producer organisations and MSMEs grouped in Ecuador Agroalimentario. Training, dissemination and technical assistance are provided to also make sure that the trends and requirements of the European Union for the entry of sustainable products are locally known.  


The CREA project has fostered valuable research collaborations with universities, addressing critical issues in various supply chains. We support links between academia, farmers and other support organisations to broaden the opportunities for integration into Europe’s growing market for sustainable products.

Here are just some examples of the research that has been fostered as part of the project:

  • Research related to cadmium reduction in 15 cocoa farms, improved drying methods for cocoa and mucilage optimisation 
  • A water footprint analysis and lifecycle assessment for avocado production. 6 farms were involved
  • Research into guayusa drying techniques, banana peel utilisation and accountability models forquinoa and cocoa


We have placed a strong emphasis on promoting inclusive practices for vulnerable groups. The project improved labour access and economic empowerment in the agri-food sector of women, young people, migrants, people in a situation of human mobility, indigenous people, and Afro-Americans. MSMEs and associations account for 95% of productive units in Ecuador and generate 60% of employment in the agri-food sector. This initiative promotes alternatives for these population groups in an inclusive and sustainable manner, in addition to meeting the sustainability standards required by European markets.

  • Inclusive practices: targeted initiatives to involve women, youth, and migrants in the agri-food sector
  • Entrepreneurship development: specific programmes to foster business skills among women and young people
  • Collaborative platforms: creation of multi-actor spaces to facilitate inclusive participation and decision-making
  • Equitable growth: socio-economic empowerment with emphasis on woman and youth
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Benefiting 25 farmer organisations and 38 SMEs across 14 provinces of Ecuador, the CREA project has made significant strides in its third year, particularly in commercial promotion, professionalisation, research, and gender inclusion.  

Commercial promotion

The CREA Project has made significant steps in promoting Ecuadorian products in the European market. Through participation in 12 trade shows, 16 SMEs and 11 producer organisations have gained exposure at prestigious events such as Biofach Germany, Anuga Germany, Fruit Attraction Spain, SIGEP Italy, Nordic Organic Sweden, Sial France, Intrafood Belgium, and ISM Germany.

  • Trade shows: 12 events attended by 16 SMEs and 11 producer organisations
  • Commercial contacts: 420 approaches made at various events
  • Matchmaking meetings: 99 meetings conducted to foster business relationships
  • Business outcomes: 4M USD in expectations, 1M USD in closed deals

Professionalisation and organisational improvement

The CREA project has also placed a strong emphasis on professionalising and improving the operations of participating organisations.

  • Scope Insight diagnostics: 24 organisations assessed for improvement opportunities
  • Improvement plans: tailored strategies focusing on governance, finance, and sustainability
  • Production grants: 11 grants awarded to enhance production capabilities
  • Focus areas: infrastructure, product development, packaging, and food safety compliance

Marketing and production promotion

The CREA project has implemented a comprehensive marketing component to enhance the visibility and appeal of Ecuadorian agri-food products in international markets.

  • Market analysis: study of product labels in the Belgian market
  • Tasting event: showcase Ecuadorian products to determine European tastes
  • International exposure: increased visibility of Ecuadorian agri-food products in global markets

“We will encourage the promotion of Ecuadorian products from producer organisations and MSMEs at international trade fairs to generate short, medium and long-term commercial opportunities and foster exports that promote the development of our production chains.”

Luis Soria

CREA Project Business Management Coordinator | Rikolto

Who do we work with?

CREA is led by Rikolto and implemented in association by the Cooperation for the Development of Emerging Countries (COSPE), the National Association of Food and Beverage Manufacturers (ANFAB), the Catholic University of Leuven (KU Leuven) and the Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL). In addition, FAO, CONGOPE, ANECACAO, ASEMEC, the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Ecuador CCIE and the French Ecuadorian Chamber of Commerce CCIE will contribute to the project with their experience in the agri-food sector in Ecuador and Europe.

KU Leuven


Johanna Renckens

CREA project manager

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