

Rikolto builds on a long-standing history working in Peru’s agricultural sector. In 2023, we reached 3,415 cocoa, coffee and vegetable producers.

In 2012, we pioneered one of the first youth involvement initiatives in Peru’s cocoa sector. We launched our coffee programme in 2014. Currently, we are running our Cocoa & coffee programme, and our Good Food for Cities programme in the cities of Lima and Huancayo.

Sustainable Cocoa and Coffee programme highlights for 2023

In Peru, our "More Coffee, Less CO2" project has supported sustainable practices through a number of initiatives. Among them is the training of 35 technicians and producer leaders to provide guidance on Life Cycle Analysis and sustainable agroforestry systems. We also contribute to multi-stakeholder platforms such as the Cajamarca Coffee Multi-Stakeholder Platform, which promotes carbon sequestration solutions. Together with the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP), Rikolto certified 44 technicians and producers in Cajamarca in Life Cycle Analysis. We also worked with CECAT to promote the production of cocoa derivatives and empower 12 women leaders. These women are involved in inclusive enterprises, including a 34% stake in Industrias del Cacao de Perú S.A. (Incacaope). This project focuses on "ChocoFE" chocolate bars fortified with heme iron to combat childhood anaemia in the San Martin region, with the aim of increasing women's incomes and improving children's health.

Good Food for Cities programme highlights for 2023

Rikolto, part of the Manchay Verde y Solidario coalition, is piloting a project with 13 community kitchens in Lima serving 1,400 families. It aims to improve access to healthy food for these families, while increasing producers' incomes. Supported by the Multi-Stakeholder Platform for Sustainable Food Systems of the Lurin Valley in Lima, the project is also working with Agroferias Campesinas to strengthen producer organisations and advocate for dedicated public spaces for producer fairs in Lima.


Cultivating sustainability and prosperity in Cajamarca’s coffee sector

Cajamarca leads Peruvian coffee shipments abroad. However, in the long run this will not be enough to improve the standard of living of producers. The project implements sustainable management and resilience plans in the face of climate change, resulting in prosperity for the coffee region and its producers.
Updated on:
July 24, 2024

Healthy, sustainable and nutritious food in Latin American cities

We focus on creating sustainable and inclusive agri-food systems to address the challenges of hunger, malnutrition, and environmental issues in Latin America. By empowering farmers, supporting small businesses, and connecting local efforts with public policy, we aim to improve food security and create socio-economic and environmental benefits for both urban and rural communities.
Updated on:
January 6, 2025

Living incomes from cocoa and coffee in Latin America

Inclusive business and sustainable agribusiness with resilient crops, providing decent incomes for entrepreneurs and producing families in Ecuador, Honduras, Guatemala and Peru.
Updated on:
July 24, 2024

More coffee, less CO2: towards a carbon-neutral coffee in Ecuador and Peru

Carbon-neutral coffee production in agroforestry systems in Ecuador and Peru.
Updated on:
July 24, 2024

Building sustainable and resilient 'Food Hubs' in Lima and Quito

Everyone has the right to healthy, sustainable and culturally appropriate food. Yet many people still can't call this their reality. Rikolto and a consortium of organisations, Ecosad, the FUNSAD Foundation and the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) are working to change this through a participatory and collaborative research project. Their objective is to explore the potential of 'food hubs' or 'neighbourhoods' in creating resilient urban food systems in Quito and Lima.
Updated on:
January 6, 2025

Coffee and Climate: climate-smart solutions for coffee farmers

A climate-smart coffee involving the whole value chain
Updated on:
July 24, 2024

High quality Peruvian cocoa for fine chocolates

We professionalise producer organisations, working hand in hand with young people in rural areas. We also establish inclusive business links with cocoa companies, and focus on bringing more collaboration into the country's cocoa sector.
Updated on:
July 24, 2024

Peruvian coffee, among the best of South America

Peruvian coffee is renowned for its quality and aroma; as such it occupies a special place on national and international markets.
Updated on:
July 24, 2024

Wanted: Food for the Future [completed]

A unique project in which the Belgian Province of Flemish Brabant, Rikolto, retailer Colruyt Group and the University of Leuven together with young people, experts, farmers, etc. look for ways to feed the growing global population in a sustainable way.
Updated on:
January 6, 2025

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