Cajamarca leads Peruvian coffee shipments abroad. However, in the long term this success will not be enough to improve the standard of living of producers. They need to diversify their income, improve the productivity and quality of processes in their organisations, but also guarantee their access to the so-called "green" markets. With this mission, the Multi-Stakeholder Platform of Coffee of Cajamarca was born. From this space, relationships have been woven and an agenda has been implemented in follow-up to the National Coffee Action Plan. The project collaborates in this agenda by implementing sustainable management and resilience plans in the face of climate change, resulting in prosperity for the coffee region and its producers.
In its first phase, a platform was founded, a collective gathering space for actors in Cajamarca's coffee sector, with the aim of supporting the implementation of the National Coffee Action Plan. Within this framework, it was possible to:
Living income studies are critical to shifting the focus of the debate from "what do producers need to produce" to "what do producers need to live in dignity." They are part of the International Coffee Organisation's (ICO) roadmap. In 2022, we collaborated with the public and private sector to link organisations in Cajamarca to the study to develop a benchmark of living income for the coffee sector in Peru, a study that covered Cajamarca and San Martín, among other regions.
In strategic alliance with the Multi-Stakeholder Coffee Platform of Cajamarca, we promote activities with 10 of its coffee-producing organisations. Through this space, we aspire to build a cohesive and collaborative coffee sector in the region, provide technical assistance to increase yields through regenerative agriculture practices, and strengthen local capacities to improve the business environment. After consolidating the platform's institutional governance model, we build on what we have learned to drive results in favour of coffee growing families.
It is a space with 34 members that seeks to unite the region's coffee sectr to solve common problems and promote opportunities to improve the living conditions of families. Rikolto is a co-founder of this space.