FEPROBA, the Federation of Farmers in the Anambe Basin, decided to test digital solutions to increase farmers’ statistical skills. This is important for the development of an effective rice commercialisation strategy, and to negotiate effectively with customers.
The Fédération des Producteurs du Bassin de l'Anambé (FEPROBA), which has been working with Rikolto since 2015, has steadily increased its production from around 15,000 tonnes in 2015 to 20,000 tonnes in 2017, but has also faced significant challenges in effectively marketing its members' rice production. Collaborating with other technical and financial partners from the Naatal Mbay/USAID project, the Casamance development pole project, and SODAGRI, Rikolto introduced an Integrated Financing Model (IFM). This model led to a promising partnership between FEPROBA and the Société de Développement et des Filières Textiles (SODEFITEX). Under this partnership, FEPROBA supplied paddy to SODEFITEX through a third-party holding system, that enabled FEPROBA to repay the campaign loan acquired from the Caisse Nationale de Crédit Agricole du Sénégal (CNCAS).
However, the partnership faced obstacles due to FEPROBA's inability to provide reliable production data and manage the supply effectively. These challenges included the slow collection of paddy, inadequate planning, and non-compliance with deadlines for delivering the product.
FEPROBA's key challenges includes:
These challenges are rooted in the absence of reliable data for effective negotiations with business partners. The situation not only hinders FEPROBA's ability to formulate a clear market strategy but also resultes in both the federation and its members engaging in mass production without considering the specific demands of the rice market in terms of variety and grading.
FEPROBA plans to develop a digital solution to overcome its constraints and promote the marketing of its members' production. On the other hand, it plans to have a guaranteed quality process for rice to meet market requirements. This will be achieved through the following strategy:
The project's results have been shared with stakeholders. FEPROBA engaged in discussions with one of Senegal's national companies, the Société de Développement Agricole et Industrielle, SODAGRI, which has expressed a keen interest in expanding the database to cover its entire intervention zone. Furthermore, the outcomes of the project have been communicated to other initiatives, including the Rice Value Chain Development Project (PDCVR) funded by the Islamic Development Bank, the Tiers Sud project supported by AFD and the European Union, and the Femmes Agriculture Résiliente (FAR) project financed by Canadian cooperation. The FAR project is exploring the possibility of assisting facilitators in collecting data for the database, enhancing the reach and impact of the project.
The project benefited a total of 3,576 producers, 11 processors, 6 traders, 58,589 consumers and 2 institutions, the Assane Seck University in Ziguinchorand the NGO Guney as institutional purchasers.
FEPROBA Federation of Farmers in the Anambé Bassin
FEPROBA brings together 5,449 physical persons belonging to four Hydraulic Unions whose members are 264 Economic Interest Groups (GIE), a union of women parboilers and an Association of Breeders of the Anambé Basin.