Good Food for Cities

Building bridges for sustainable and healthy food for all

In a super-connected and rapidly warming world, cities have a critical role to play in ensuring that 8 billion people - rich and poor, young and old, regardless of gender - have access to and can afford sufficient, safe and nutritious food. Cities are key entry points for speeding up the transition to sustainable food systems. Focusing on key supply chains and the wider urban food environment, Rikolto works to make that happen.

What is at stake?

  • Today, 3 billion people around the world cannot afford a healthy diet. In 2020, 149 million children under 5 were estimated to be too short for their age, 45 million were estimated to be too thin for their height, and 38.9 million were overweight or obese. The developmental, economic, social and medical consequences of the global burden of malnutrition are severe and long-lasting for people and their families, communities and countries.
  • 21 to 37% of greenhouse gas emissions are linked to our food systems, with 8% attributable just to food loss and waste. Industrial and conventional agriculture is also leading the loss of biodiversity - a worrying trend considering that biodiversity underpins healthy and nutritious diets, improves rural livelihoods and agricultural productivity and is essential for resilient food systems.
  • Our food systems provide jobs for an estimated 1 billion people and constitute an essential source of livelihoods for small-scale actors, both in formal and informal economies. In Africa alone, urban food markets are worth USD 250 billion per year, 5 times more than export markets (AASR, 2020).
  • By 2050, 80% of all food is expected to be consumed in cities. Food is the largest source of consumption-related emissions in cities, accounting for 13% of the total, as reported by C40 Cities. Under a business-as-usual scenario, urban food-related emissions could grow by 38% by 2050 (C40, 2019). 85% of cities, which are home to hundreds of millions of the most vulnerable people, are already experiencing major impacts of climate change.

Cities are key entry points for action. With global food consumption, markets and decision-making centres concentrated in urban areas, cities have a fundamental role in sparking a shift towards more sustainable food systems.

At Rikolto, we believe that cities offer critical opportunities to test innovations in ways that keep urban food systems within the ecological limits of the planet, while meeting the needs of urban dwellers and food chain workers.

Our purpose

To catalyse collective action among local food system actors to make urban food environments and food supply chains more conducive to healthy, sustainable and nutritious diets for all citizens as part of resilient and inclusive city region food systems.

“Cities are like laboratories where new ideas, models and collaborations can be tested, and their potential demonstrated. With the Good Food For Cities programme, our goal is to create fertile ground for these innovations to thrive, fostering more resilient, sustainable and inclusive food systems that benefit all citizens.”

Charlotte Flechet, Good Food For Cities Global Programme Director

Our impact

Rikolto invests about €5.8 million annually in 37 cities and territories as direct partners in 14 countries in Latin America, Europe, Africa and Southeast Asia. Our ambition for 2026 is to pilot and scale the adoption of inclusive food system innovations that directly contribute to improving access to healthy, sustainable and nutritious food for at least 2 million consumers worldwide.

Through peer-to-peer exchanges, networks and activities at the national, regional and international level, we hope to indirectly impact 30 more cities by 2026.

Take a closer look at our work!


  • Schoolfood4change in Europe! Rikolto is part of a consortium of 43 European partners headed by ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability implementing the EU funded SchoolFood4Change (SF4C) project. The project develops tailored, innovative solutions and locally adaptable good practices for schools, school meal providers, public authorities and policymakers. Rikolto led the development of the Whole School Food Approach, resulting in a "How to apply the WSFA?" Manual tested in over 120 European schools. This model has been extensively tested in our pilot cities Ghent, Leuven and Antwerp. The consortium aims to reach 600,000 pupils in 3,000 schools in 16 cities and regions in 12 countries.
  • In Leuven, Rikolto partnered with 3 schools and Foodatelier César, a new local caterer to pilot a hot school meal model based on the WSFA principles. Also, in Leuven, Rikolto developed a policy to support 11 schools to provide nutritious meals. Similar models exist in Antwerp ('Smakelijke school') and Leuven ('GF@S').
  • In order to promote cooperation between city authorities, civil society and schools, Rikolto also facilitated School Food Councils, spaces for dialogue on how to advance the discussion on healthy and sustainable food at school.
  • Rikolto, in collaboration with Lidl, Bodemkundige Dienst van België, Boerenbond, and Boerennatuur Vlaanderen, is on a mission to encourage Flemish farmers to adopt "carbon farming" in their land. This initiative began in 2022 and will span five years, during which fifteen farmers will receive guidance on making carbon storage an essential part of their operational management. But that's not all – the consortium is also developing a sustainable earning model around carbon farming. By storing carbon in the soil, agriculture can help other companies achieve their climate objectives. And farmers can benefit from this by selling "carbon credits" to companies looking to reduce their CO2 emissions.
In 2022 in partnership with Questionmark Foundation and Test Aankoop, and in cooperation with BOS+, Canopea, écoconso, FoodWIN and Bond Beter Leefmilieu, we launched the study Superlist. The research analysed how the supermarkets Colruyt, Delhaize, Carrefour, Aldi and Lidl, which together account for more than 80% of the market share in Belgium, score on a series of environmental sustainability criteria. We discussed these results with citizens in different 'citizen panels' for adults and young people in the cities of Leuven, Antwerp and Ghent. In 2024, we launched the Superlist Social. This time the study compares the policies of the same 5 retailers on how they deal with the protection of human rights, gender equality and the rights of agricultural workers and farmers both in Europe and internationally | ©An Van Gijsegem.
  • Rikolto was one of the founders of  local business-to-business food distribution Kort’om. A study demonstrated a conservative return-on-investment ratio of 1.86 euro for every euro invested in the platform. The ratio goes up to 3.11 when considering health benefits.
  • We supported the development of the EcoFoodMap: a digital compass to inform actions around Leuven’s food system.
  • In 2019, Rikolto organised a multistakeholder consultation process that resulted in the adoption of a charter for healthy, sustainable, and balanced school meals. The charter was signed by school caterers, Horeca Vlaanderen, the Union of Belgian caterers (UBC), the school networks, the umbrella organisation for parents’ associations, the Minister for Education and the Minister for Health and Welfare. The charter forms the basis for a Flemish Green Deal for healthy, sustainable and affordable school meals launched in 2022.
  • Rikolto contributed to the development of the Flemish Food Strategy as a member of the Flemish Food Coalition in 2022. The strategy, also known as Go4Food, provides the basis for working towards a better food system in Flanders that both respects the planetary boundaries and is socially equitable. The strategy consists of four pillars, 19 strategic objectives and 11 short-term food deals that should leverage multiple objectives and fill gaps that arise. Rikolto is also working on some of the food deals.
Schoolfood4change in Europe! Rikolto is part of a consortium of 43 European partners headed by ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability implementing the EU funded SchoolFood4Change (SF4C) project. ©Layla Aerts.

East Africa

  • In 2022, as part of the EU-funded 'Building Inclusive and Competitive Horticulture Businesses in Southern Highlands Tanzania' project, Rikolto, the Tanzania Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (TCCIA) and Mbeya City Council improved market infrastructure in Mbeya's public markets. To lead the design process, a sub-committee was established within the Food Smart City multi-stakeholder platform facilitated by Rikolto. Vendors co-invested in improvements to their stalls. This resulted in 273 new food stalls, new roofing and fruit/vegetable washing areas with clean water. We also supported street vendors with mobile wheelbarrows to sell fresh produce in partnership with TCCIA, Mbeya City and SIDO.
  • In Uganda, we set up multi-stakeholder initiatives in Mbale and Kampala, bringing together policymakers, regulators, city authorities, the private sector, research institutions and civil society organisations. In Kampala, we organised Urban Food Systems Dialogues in 2024 - including members of the platforms - to help formulate policies and implement actions to transform food systems. In Mbale, investment in the construction of 88 model food stalls incentivised market vendors to improve their market stalls and the local government to enforce food safety practices in the markets. In addition, in 2023, Rikolto supported consumer awareness campaigns and facilitated the 'Mbale Good Food Council' and the 'Mbale Good Food Parliament' to develop a shared vision for improving food safety in Mbale Central Market, reducing food waste and promoting responsible consumption. This work contributes to the EU-funded AfriFOODlinks project to accelerate initiatives on food governance, entrepreneurship and healthier food environments. Also in the cities of Mbale and Gulu, 229 young entrepreneurs (122 women and 107 men) participated in a Generation Food programme in 2024. They learned about business management, how to start their own business and how to make it thrive. This trajectory was implemented in partnership with SHONA and funded by the DOEN Foundation & YOUCA.
  • In early 2020, Rikolto launched the Generation Food initiative in Arusha, Tanzania. Out of 158 participating young entrepreneurs, 65 were selected to improve their marketing, financial and entrepreneurial skills. Following in the footsteps of Arusha, with funding from the European Union's AGRICONNECT programme, we supported another Generation Food pathway with coaching, mentoring and seed capital for 400 entrepreneurs in the Southern Highlands. In particular, two agribusinesses have secured TZS90 million from the Ministry of Agriculture's Building a Better Tomorrow (MOA-BBT) project.
In Tanzania (Arusha, Kilimanjaro, Mbeya and 6 other regions), we partnered with Simusolar to promote water-efficient solar irrigation systems for fruit and vegetable growers. The project, which is funded by the Flemish government through the Flemish International Climate Action Programme, is distributing inputs and installing solar pumps - some with drip irrigation systems - on 70 plots so far. It is also developing a business case for funding the pumps and training farmers in climate adaptation and water management (433 trained so far).
  • In 2022, Rikolto launched a participatory food safety system (PFFS)  in Mbeya and Arusha City. In Mbeya, the PFFS set up by Rikolto and partners trained over 333 farmers and vendors on safe food handling practices in 2023. The pilot resulted in actors from four markets (Ikuti, Sokoine, Soweto and Igawilo) sourcing vegetables and fruits from PFFS-trained farmers. The pilot was successfully scaled up to the Songwe region, with four production clusters implementing the PFFS. Similarly, the Arusha Sustainable Food Systems Platform (co-facilitated by Rikolto) promoted collective action in support of the PFSS with local partners in Arusha. A total of 67 market vendors from Kilombero and Samunge markets were trained in good handling and food safety practices. This resulted in improved production and safe trade of 7,000 tonnes of fruit and vegetables.
  • In Rubavu and Musanze districts in Rwanda, Rikolto partnered with Kilimo Trust and the Rwandan consumer rights organisation ADECOR, to promote regenerative agriculture practices and local consumption of healthy and nutritious food. In 2023, more than 2,260 farmers, including 1,023 women and 1,237 men (including 410 youth) from 6 cooperatives, received training and support on sustainable vegetables production through 14 demonstration farms. They adopted a common calendar, bought inputs together and sold 5,307 tonnes of produce for approximately €555,796.07. Rikolto also introduced a low-cost cold storage model, through Kilimo Trust. The charcoal cooler was constructed at the Bazirete vegetable market in Rubavu District and handed over to the Kotibanya cooperative (who also runs the vegetable market facility). This facility has reduced vegetable losses at the Bazirete market from 20% to 5%. We are also advocating for better policies and promoted healthy eating. These activities are funded by the Belgian Development Cooperation (DGD) and the European Union through the Kungahara project.
In Kampala, Arusha, and Dar es Salaam, we have piloted digital food distribution models together with youth-led enterprises, such as Bringo Fresh, Mesula, GreenfootGoand East Africa Fruits. Digital food distribution models can help improve efficiency and make food chains shorter, enabling traceability, better control over food safety practices, and helping balance the need for affordability for consumers with that of a decent income for food producers and vendors. It also allowed consumers to avoid busy marketplaces during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • In Bukavu and Goma in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 2023, we partnered with 10 schools, consumers and entrepreneurs to promote healthy eating and sustainable food systems in both cities. More than 10,000 students, including about 2,300 girls, learned about food literacy and hygiene through workshops and an ambassador programme. A revised provincial menu with nutritious options was developed together with schools and the Ministry of Education. To strengthen food governance, we organised multi-stakeholder discussions with the consumer organisation LICOSKI on developing local food agendas. Rikolto also set up 3 integrated and permanent school gardens for students to learn about regenerative agriculture.

West Africa

  • In Burkina Faso, Generation Food was first launched in Ouagadougou and then as part of the Project for the Improvement of the Competitiveness of Rural and Urban Enterprises in the Centre-East Region and the Creation of Decent, Inclusive and Sustainable Jobs(PACE-DID). This Generation Food initiative specifically engaged youth, women and people with disabilities (PWDs). The project addressed a critical challenge: the lack of trust between entrepreneurs, especially women, youth and PWDs, and microfinance institutions (MFIs). Rikolto's project partners TRIAS,SOS-Faim and other stakeholders developed a four-step approach: Financial literacy workshops, empowerment of young entrepreneurs, building trust bylinking microfinance institutions and entrepreneurs, and multi-stakeholder dialogues to ensure that the results of the programme extend to future generations.
Rikolto runs a Good Food at School programme in Dakar and Thiès, Senegal, in partnership with the Hyacinthe Thiandoum and Daniel Brottier schools. By encouraging healthy eating habits and promoting local food, we've created school gardens, trained canteen staff and set up a school snack bar that generates over €1,200 in monthly revenue. In 2023, we also launched a digital app with the Association des Unions maraichères des Niayes (AUMN) to streamline operations for local farmers.
  • Rikolto supports the coordination of the EU-funded AfriFOODlinks project in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) and Mbale (Uganda).This four-year initiative, led by ICLEI Africa and involving 35 partners, aims to increase food and nutrition security, improve climate and environmental outcomes and build community resilience in over 65 cities. In Ouagadougou,we've conducted a comprehensive food system analysis, established a food dialogue committee and launched a working group to develop a financial model for food enterprises. In 2023, we worked with key stakeholders in Ouagadougou to develop a shared vision for the future of the Green Belt. In partnership with La Saisonnière and Association Beoneere, we trained 332 people (mostly women) in agro-ecological practices and market gardening in the Green Belt.
  • In Bobo Dioulasso, we launched the Good Food @tSchool pilot with 5 schools by engaging the school community.
  • In 2022-2023, we developed the strategic framework for FAO’s Green Cities Regional Action Programme for Africa based on national consultations in 10 countries, with 30 cities.
In Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso),fifteen graduates of our Generation Food programme received seed capital, while42 young entrepreneurs were supported through Enabel's PACE-DID project. These 59 entrepreneurs secured a total of €43,061 in loans to expand their businesses.

Latin America

  • In Nicaragua, we facilitate two multi sectoral groups to promote sustainable and agroecological food production around Lake Apanás and the Dariense mountains. 36 farm plans for sustainable management were implemented using TAPE (Agroecological Performance Tool) and GIS(Geographical Information Systems). We also supported the establishment of agroforestry systems to reduce the environmental impact of growing coffee in the area. Farmers received training on bio-controls and bio-stimulants. In parallel, Rikolto supported the setup of 15 bio-factories or organic fermentation facilities. By providing their products, they directly reach 160 families, and indirectly 120 families more.
  • In Honduras, Rikolto is part of the “People-Centred Food Systems” project. We provided training to more than 1,000 people, including government officials, small-scale farmers (especially women and youth), NGOs, academics and community members on the right to nutritious and sustainable food. This led to a 60% increase in the level of awareness about these issues among the participants. We also held a forum on 'Challenges to the Right to Adequate Food in Honduras' to highlight the importance of including farmers' rights in national agricultural policies.
  • In Guatemala, Rikolto and partners are supporting the Sololá Agroclimatic Technical Roundtable (MTA) to star timplementing an Integrated Landscape Management (ILM) approach to promote sustainable and organic food production in the territory around Lake Atitlán.In Sololá, we are also working with local farmers to improve their business models and access local markets, thereby increasing their incomes. By 2023, our work has reached 3,590 citizens with improved access to healthy food, including 500 school children who now have healthier meals.
In 2020, Rikolto supported Lima’s Bicentennial Markets Initiative to create a new brand, “Surquillo, Barrio del Sabor” (Surquillo, neighbourhood of flavour), to reactivate the economy of Surquillo and promote access to food for everyone. The purpose was to support the economic reactivation of 14 food markets and 618 formally registered restaurants in the District of Surquillo, in line with the action plan and vision created for Surquillo’s municipal district.
  • Between 2021 and 2023,the Healthy Food Neighbourhood project implemented with support from the International Development Research Centre (IDRC Canada)sought to understand some of the major food challenges facing metropolitan cities such as Lima (Peru) and Quito (Ecuador). Led by Rikolto, the project was implemented with Ecosad and Funsad to promote multi-stakeholder spaces to address food security challenges and to build a systemic understanding of healthy food production and consumption through research and action. We released over 25 studies and publications with findings that advocate for more sustainable food systems in Lima and Quito’s multi-stakeholder spaces. The findings of the project opened up new discussion on food planning in both cities, highlighting the need for a more systemic understanding of agrifood systems, a careful analysis of the food situation of migrants and the use of public space to increase the accessibility of healthy food.
  • Rikolto, as part of the Manchay Verde y Solidario coalition, is piloting a project with 13 community kitchens in Lima, Peru serving 1,400 families. It aims to improve access to healthy food for these families, while increasing producers' incomes. Supported by the Multi-Stakeholder Platform for Sustainable Food Systems of the Lurin Valley in Lima, the project also works with Agroferias Campesinas to strengthen producer organisations and advocate for dedicated public spaces for producer fairs in Lima.
We launched the Generation Food initiative with partners in Quito! This agri-food incubator programme supported 24 young entrepreneurs with 11 business ideas in two phases: hackathon and start-up development. Participants refined business ideas that address key challenges the city is faced with: making food production more resilient to climate change, improving access to fresh, healthy food, and managing organic waste.

Southeast Asia

  • In Vietnam, thanks to the implementation of a Participatory Guarantee System (PGS) for safe vegetables – a traceable production and quality assurance system promoted by Rikolto and Hanoi’s Plant Protection and Production Department –around 3,200 households (of which 65% are women) were cultivating more than 1,900 hectares according to safe vegetable production techniques,accounting for 14% of Hanoi's vegetable production in 2021.  By 2022, PGS was used for 2,105,281 hectares of vegetable production land.  
  • In 2023, around24,500 students in pre-school, primary and secondary schools have improved access to safe and nutritious vegetables supplied by Rikolto's partner farmers' cooperatives in Vietnam. A GoodFood@School project is being piloted with two secondary schools in Hanoi, Vietnam We also supported three provincial food coordination committees to strengthen the management of wet markets through food safety guidelines, linkages between market vendors and reliable sources of fruit and vegetables, as well as consumer awareness campaigns on safe food with grassroots women's associations.  
Since October 2022, we are working with schools in Hanoi to increase pupils’ consumption of healthy, sustainable and nutritious food at school. An initial survey was conducted to understand parents and pupils’ knowledge and attitude towards healthy food at school and school coordination committees were set up to guide the process on the ground. By 2023, more than 3,000 pupils, teachers, school staff and parents have been reached through activities focusing on food literacy, monitoring food procurement and improving the policy environment for food safety, hygiene and nutrition in schools.

  • In Depok, Indonesia, we partnered with universities and NGOs to establish six urban agroecological farms managed by 156 farmers, primarily women over 35. The use of weather stations and an urban agriculture dashboard has enabled these farmers to optimise production and connect more effectively with buyers. In Surakarta, Bandung, and Denpasar, we collaborated with local stakeholders to develop healthy canteen standards. By training staff, creating local menus, and surveying student preferences, 19 schools in Surakarta have committed to these standards, with Denpasar now expanding the initiative to over 20 schools. Additionally, in Surakarta, we are driving multi-stakeholder collaboration to establish profitable circular economy initiatives. Through the creation of demonstration plots in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security, and by offering training-of-trainers (ToT) sessions on circular economy practices, we have so far reduced food waste by 36 tonnes and boosted profits for the participating groups.
In Bali, Indonesia, we work with our partner Pasar Rakyat -  a social enterprise distributing fresh and organic produce from local farmers to urban customers at affordable prices to promote regenerative agriculture. As part of the initiative, we support the adoption of better irrigation systems and work with farmers on how to best manage scarce water resources. We also participate inthe co-design of agricultural landscape and cultivation plans to optimise biodiversity.


  • Rikolto has supported several cities in developing their local food strategies, either by playing a facilitating role such as in Ghent (Belgium) during the inception of the Gent en Garde policy, by being directly involved in their writing such as in Da Nang (Vietnam), or by being a thematic lead such as in Leuven where we continue to offer our expertise on local food distribution and working with schools as part of the food strategy process. In Quito (Ecuador), we contributed to the development of the city’s Agri-food strategy and Food Charter. In the city of Mbeya in Tanzania, food systems have been integrated into the city's 5-year Strategic Plan, thanks to our collaboration with Mbeya City Council and Helvetas. A study on food safety risks in 2020 and the Mbeya Food Smart City Platform, both led by Rikolto, were instrumental in this process.
  • In 2024, Rikolto and FAO formalised their partnership through a new Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to advance sustainable and resilient urban agrifood systems. Our collaboration focuses on governance and planning of sustainable urban agrifood systems, territorial markets, and urban and peri-urban agriculture, among others.
  • In 2024, Rikolto and the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), supported by the One Planet Network Sustainable Food System Programme, organised trainings and multi-stakeholder dialogues in Arusha (Tanzania), Hanoi (Vietnam) and Surakarta (Indonesia) to promote a food systems approach to urban and peri-urban agriculture (UPA) policies and practices. A key outcome was the discussion of policy briefs with practical recommendations for national and local stakeholders.
  • In 2023, to identify challenges and opportunities for improving food system governance, we co-hosted Multi-Level Food Labs with FAO in Ecuador and Indonesia. These labs produced valuable recommendations for policymakers and stakeholders and informed the development of upcoming guidelines on multi-level food governance for food system transformation.
  • In 2022, we've partnered with FAO to establish two networks aimed at increasing policymakers' awareness of and capacity for urban food governance, with a focus on small and medium-sized cities, and improving urban food markets so that they contribute to more sustainable food systems. Both networks contribute to FAO's Urban Food Agenda. The networks reached cities on 4 continents. As part of this project, the publication "Enhancing the operations of local and traditional food markets in the context of the transition to sustainable agrifood systems" is now available.
  • In 2022, we co-published with FAO and RUAF the “Urban and peri-urban agriculture sourcebook: from production to food systems”, which systematises existing experiences and case studies on urban and peri-urban agriculture (UPA) and provides guidance to local decision-makers, policy advisors, urban planners, practitioners and others involved in the design and implementation of UPA initiatives.
  • On the way to COP26, we contributed to the development of the Glasgow Declaration, a commitment by local and regional governments to tackle the climate emergency through integrated food policies and a call on national governments to act, as part of a global coalition led by IPES-Food and Nourish Scotland. We also facilitated Farm to Fork local dialogues in Ecuador (in Quito’s city region and in the coastal area in Manabí) and Belgium (in the city regions of Leuven and Antwerp) to build trust and strengthen the relationship between farmers and policymakers in the context of climate action.

Multi-stakeholder partnerships = a tool for food systems impact​

Co-creating new recipes for a future-proof food system is a team effort. Whether you are looking for inspiration or are keen to polish your facilitation skills, we invite you to get your copy of our guide: “Facilitating multi-stakeholder processes: a toolkit”.

Download your copy here to discover the essential concepts, tools and attitudes needed to make multi-stakeholder collaboration work for sustainable food systems.

Read more

Our approach

A Sustainable Food Systems approach

Anchored in the Sustainable Food Systems framework, the Good Food For Cities programme approaches urban food systems through a systems-thinking lens.

Co-creation, multi-stakeholder collaborations and learning are at the heart of this approach. We strive to build interconnections between actors and to foster collective action mechanisms through participatory and inclusive food governance structures.

We intend to break down silos and create bridges across different parts of the food system so that it can better perform its function of delivering healthy and sustainable diets for all. We try to understand how different areas are connected to each other and to identify levers for systems change that help us to navigate difficult trade-offs, such as how to improve access to affordable healthy food, while incentivising farmers and food chain workers to adopt more sustainable practices.

Inclusive business facilitation

Inclusive business is essential for incentivising smallholder producers in rural, urban and peri-urban areas to produce and market crops that contribute to sustainable and healthy diets. Inclusive business translates into a fair and transparent collaboration between all actors in the food chain (e.g. open communication, fair prices, risk-sharing), driven by a common goal and leading to a more stable market and supply of quality food to cities. It is built on equitable access to services such as credit, technical support and market information and is supported by inclusive innovation that helps make the chain more efficient and fairer. Coupled with strong market demand, it is a key element of the pull factor that contributes to stronger rural urban linkages.

Read more about our work on inclusive markets.

Our strategic entry point: urban food environments

Building on our experience, we focus on urban food environments and food supply chains. Food environments comprise the physical, economic, political and socio-cultural context in which consumers engage with the food system to make decisions on acquiring, preparing and consuming food (HLPE, 2017). Favourable food environments are those that make it easier for citizens to choose healthy and sustainable diets. They rely on sustainable and efficient supply chains that ensure that healthy and sustainable food is available, accessible and affordable in citizens’ preferred food acquisition locations. This is also an area where cities and local actors can have an impact, by influencing how food is presented and accessed in their city.

Evidence for impact

Our evidence for impact approach is the cornerstone of Rikolto’s strategies. It refers on the one hand to the process of co-creating, testing and documenting models that have the potential to be adopted at scale, and on the other hand to the continuous engagement of target “upscalers” (authorities, businesses, investors, local CSOs) that have the capacity, desire and means to invest in the replication of these models at city or national level.

Read more about how we measure our impact.

Our strategies

Rikolto's global strategy focuses on three pillars: sustainable production, inclusive food markets and an enabling environment.

Sustainable production to bring good food to cities

Industrial farming techniques, which have largely prioritised yields over resilience and environmental sustainability, have already degraded around a third of the world's soils. This puts our global food supply at serious risk.

  • In order to provide healthy, nutritious food such as fruit, vegetables and pulses for local markets in a warming world, Rikolto focuses on preserving food landscapes, promoting regenerative agriculture and improving farmers' resilience to climate change and other shocks.
In Nicaragua, we mobilised stakeholders through the MASLAGO platform to develop a sustainable landscape management plan for the area around Lake Apanás, an important vegetable production area threatened by deforestation and sedimentation between 2017 and 2021. Since 2023, we have facilitated two multisectoral groups to promote sustainable and agroecological practices around Lake Apanás, adding the landscape of the Dariense Mountains and incorporating agroforestry systems to mitigate the environmental impact of coffee production. 36 farm plans for sustainable management were implemented using TAPE (Agroecological Performance Tool) and GIS(Geographical Information Systems).

Inclusive urban food markets, so that no one is left behind

For healthier and more sustainable food to reach urban markets, there must be incentives for behaviour change at all stages of the chain. Inclusive business relationships are therefore a powerful enabler of the transition to sustainable food systems in cities and beyond. To contribute to more inclusive markets, we focus on:

  • Food Markets 4 All, where we work on the professionalisation of farmers’ organisations, including facilitating better access to finance and business development services and the promotion of inclusive business models. During the Covid-19 pandemic, we supported 17,887 farmers in selling their produce through local food distribution channels.
Rikolto helped set up Kort'om, a local distribution platform to support farmers in achieving a decent income while increasing the availability of locally produced food in the city of Leuven, Belgium.
  • Through GoodFood@School, we provide tailored support to schools and a wide range of actors within the schools’ environment to make healthy and sustainable food the new normal for students. Our aim is to make it easier for pupils to have a sustainable diet, focusing on ingredients that are sustainably sourced, traceable and nutritious.
“School access to good, healthy, sustainable food. This is an important issue for all of the regions in which Rikolto is active. It is the best health care everywhere. It is an important response to poverty and has a major impact on the climate. Future eating habits are determined to a large extent in the early years. That is why GoodFood@School is all about accessible, healthy and sustainable food. It is part of a whole-school approach to nutrition. We do this through collaboration. With schools, with governments, with local authorities, with civil society organisations. We do it Rikolto's way.” Myrthe Peijnenborg | GoodFood@School project coordinator, Rikolto.

In parallel, we promote the scaling up of good practices through city-level and national multi-stakeholder initiatives. In Surakarta, Indonesia, our partner Gita Pertiwi led the co-development and piloting of a healthy, nutritious, safe and environmentally friendly canteen standard. In 2021, the standard was circulated by the city authorities as the procedure for all schools in Surakarta.
  • Through our Generation Food business creation and incubation programme, we support ambitious young entrepreneurs in the establishment of sustainable food businesses that contribute to solving some of the key issues in their city region’s food system. The initiative has been implemented in Leuven (Belgium), Arusha and Mbeya (Tanzania), Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), Mbale andGulu (Uganda), Goma and Bukavu (DRC) and Quito (Ecuador) and continues to expand into new regions.
  • Finally, we support the design of Circular Food Economy models that help avoid, reduce and valorise food losses, waste and surpluses.
“When the cities of Solo and Bandung decided to sign the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact, one of their commitments was to reduce food waste in their cities. We work with the local authorities of Solo and Bandung to reduce food waste, by facilitating the development of circular and inclusive business models between sustainable producers and urban buyers.”  – Nonie Kaban | Director of the Good Food For Cities programme in Southeast Asia

Enabling environment

Under this third pillar, our interventions seek to incentivise sustainable and healthy diets through policies, collective learning and new partnerships. Below are some of the initiatives we support in our network.

  • Urban food governance processes: we facilitate or contribute to multi-stakeholder dialogues or platforms at city level that help create a shared understanding of local food system issues, build a common vision and create a collective strategy or action plan on how to put it into practice.
  • Food citizenship: we curate dialogues between citizens and the private sector to make healthy and sustainable food the easy choice and facilitate the co-creation of new solutions between citizens, researchers, retailers and public authorities.
How easy do supermarkets in Belgium make it for us to eat sustainably? A comparative study by the Questionmark Foundation, with the support of Rikolto and Test Aankoop, and in collaboration with BOS+, IEW, FoodWIN and Bond Beter Leefmilieu, sought an answer to this question. During the Superlist survey, the voices of Belgian citizens were included for consideration. Discover more about this dialogue.
  • Peer-to-peer learning: we facilitate exchanges between partner and non-partner cities and stakeholders to inspire them to take action. In 2022, for instance, we facilitated an informal network of municipal experts on urban food markets and another one on food governance in small and medium-sized cities with the support of FAO. For instance, in June 2024, FAO, GAIN, and Rikolto organised a technical workshop to explore the potential of local and traditional food markets and public food procurement to increase access to nutritious food. The event brought together experts from across the Americas, Africa and Europe to discuss strategies for supporting smallholder producers and MSMEs' inclusion in public procurement and traditional food markets.
  • Investments in food system transformation: we engage financial institutions and (impact) investors to create financial products that are accessible for SMEs, and particularly small-scale food chain actors and entrepreneurs.
  • Multi-level governance: we facilitate discussions between local actors and national authorities on how they can enable cities to take action.
  • Evidence building and methodology development: we create and disseminate evidence and methodologies related to the innovations and models that we support to encourage investments in their replication. In 2019, we launched the book: “What will we eat tomorrow?”, gathering stories from 9 cities on initiatives that make safer, healthier and sustainable food more accessible to citizens. Also, our Healthy Food Neighbourhood project, supported by IDRC Canada, examined food challenges in Lima and Quito between 2021 and 2023.Focusing on the neighbourhood level, our research highlighted the need for a systemic approach to improving food availability and access. We conducted extensive research, including market and garden studies, consumer surveys, and mapping of community food responses to the Covid-19 pandemic. Through more than 25 studies, we advocated for more sustainable food systems and informed new discussions on urban food planning, considering migrant populations and public spaces.

“We must build a world where healthy and nutritious food is available and affordable for everyone, everywhere. (…) First – we need food systems that support the health and well-being of all people. Malnutrition, hunger and famine are not forces of nature. They are the result of the actions – or inactions – of all of us. (…) Second — we need food systems that protect our planet. It is possible to feed a growing global population while also safeguarding our environment. (…)Third and finally — we need systems that can support prosperity. Not just the prosperity of businesses and shareholders. But the prosperity of farmers and food workers — and indeed, the billions of people worldwide who depend on this industry for their livelihoods."

António Guterres, United Nations Secretary-General, 23 September 2021 | New York

Who do we work with?

Rikolto works with a variety of partners across many sectors, including:

  • Local authorities such as municipal departments of agriculture, planning, environment, education and health, city councils, market management authorities, schools and district and provincial authorities.
  • Farmers’ organisations: farmers’ groups, cooperatives, farmers’ unions.
  • Private sector partners such as local chambers of commerce, supermarkets, catering companies, sectoral associations, market associations, business incubators, SMEs active throughout the food chain and business development service providers.
  • Local and international civil society organisations and consumer associations.
  • Academic and research institutions such as universities and international research networks.
  • International agencies and cities networks such as the United Nations Environment Programme and the Food Agriculture Organisation, ICLEI, the One Planet Network and the Urban Food Systems Coalition.
  • Funders and investors such as the Belgian Directorate General for Development, EIT-Food, the European Union, Enabel, USAID, the Flemish Government, Canada’s International Development Research Center (IDRC), the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), AMDT, FAO, UNEP, The Business Partnership Facility, OVO Acceleration Fund, GIZ, 11.11.11, Enabel, , DOEN Foundation, Gilles Foundation, Vandersypen Foundation, Federatie SCW, VLIR-UOS, over 20 Belgian cities and 2 provinces (West-Flanders and East-Flanders), the Belgian public and more!

Find below a non-exhaustive list of the networks to wich we contribute:


Charlotte Flechet

Good Food for Cities | Global director