Good Food for Cities

Sustainable value chains and thriving communities in Guatemala's western highlands

February 25, 2025

Entrepreneurship ecosystems are complex networks of cultural, political, and economic institutions that allow entrepreneurs to start, maintain, and scale a new business. The operation of that system is often facilitated by hubs of activity, such as accelerator programs or coworking spaces where a wide range of actors interact with entrepreneurs with each other, making it easier for companies to identify the right resources for the business challenges they face. Guatemala is a growing ecosystem, which has begun its expansion outside of large cities, but the supply of capacity building and financing is still dominated by urban centers. This project addressed these deficits by coordinating a core set of activities among partners recruited from the ANDE network with an established local footprint to expand existing services or develop new ones that meet the needs of these overlooked entrepreneurs.

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Western highlands

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6 producer groups

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Our approach

The ‘Sustainable Value Chains and Prosperous Communities Programme’ initiative, implemented by Rikolto and Alterna as part of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation for the Development of Guatemala Initiative (GEDI) of USAID Guatemala and the Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE), included three main components:

  • Local ecosystem engagement – to increase the level of engagement among ANDE members and other key stakeholders in order to design new activities to help these organisations understand the intersections of their work supporting PECs and how they can address the needs of communities affected by irregular migration.
  • Coalition building – to have a coalition of implementing partners to execute core activities identified as needs and to leverage matching contributions from private sector partners.
  • Open calls for proposals to identify and financially support innovative solutions to the remaining ecosystem gaps identified by local stakeholders.
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Expected results

  • Provide expanded business support services to at least 500 growth-oriented entrepreneurs.
  • Facilitate at least $10 million of investment in beneficiary businesses during the first three years.
  • Coordinate the deployment of $32 million in leveraged private sector resources, both grants and investment capital, to align programs and businesses.

Watch this movie to learn more about the initiative

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Who do we work with?

Fondo Ítalo Ecuatoriano para el Desarrollo Sostenible (FIEDS)


Rainiero Lec Sicay

Coordinator of the Sustainable Cocoa and Coffee Programme | Guatemala

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