DR Congo

DR Congo

Rikolto has been working with farmer organisations in the Democratic Republic of Congo for over 30 years. In 2023, our projects impacted the lives of 20,755 producers and their families.

Since 2012, Rikolto decided to focus on two promising agricultural value chains: Arabica coffee and rice. As of 2019, we also work in the cocoa sector. In 2021, we launched our Good Food for Cities programme in Bukavu and Goma.

Sustainable Cocoa and Coffee programme highlights for 2023

Rikolto supported over 14,465 cocoa and coffee farmers through partnerships with cooperatives and projects such as DGD (co-funded by IFAD), Coffee Circle Foundation, PIRRED-O/UNDP, ROSCAT, Beyond Chocolate and Under Grown Cocoa. Interventions focused on sustainable practices and market access. In the north, women's home gardens were supported to produce cabbage and other vegetables. In Tshopo, farmers were trained to make compost from cocoa pods, rice husks and Tithonia Diversifolia leaves. We also supported 104 young people and women to set up coffee nurseries. In parallel, the implementation of a law on cooperatives was supported. Cooperatives have been registered in every province. We also facilitated the creation of 606 jobs for young people and women.

Sustainable Rice programme highlights for 2023

As we near the conclusion of the PICAGL project, funded by the DRC government through a loan from the World Bank, we have trained 3,259 new farmers on sustainable rice production practices. Drawing from lessons learned during the past year of implementation, two significant steps were taken. In tackling the critical issue of water access, farmer cooperatives have embraced the community-based Smart Valley Approach. This initiative has resulted in the irrigation of over 1,200 hectares of land, effectively enhancing agricultural productivity. Moreover, inspired by the successful business case of the “Nyange Nyange rice” model in South Kivu, the model has been replicated in the Tanganyika region through the “Magoyo rice” label, under which sustainable rice is being successfully sold in both traditional and urban markets.

Good Food for Cities programme highlights for 2023

We partnered with 10 schools, consumers and entrepreneurs to promote healthy eating and sustainable food systems in Bukavu and Goma. More than 10,000 students, including 2,302 girls, learned about food literacy and hygiene through workshops and an ambassador programme. A revised provincial menu with nutritious options was developed with schools and the Ministry of Education. To strengthen food governance, we worked with the consumer organisation LICOSKI to organise multi-stakeholder discussions to develop local food agendas. Rikolto also set up 3 integrated and permanent school gardens for students to learn about regenerative agriculture.


The white egret: an icon of local rice development in the DRC

Thanks to government cooperation, World Bank funding and the implementation of the PICAGL programme, new dynamics are emerging in the rice value chain in South Kivu and Tanganyika in DRCongo. Increased productivity, sustainable production and high-quality local rice are creating new business opportunities for farmers and young people.
Updated on:
July 24, 2024

Congolese rice farmers conquer the local market

Eight rice cooperatives in the Ruzizi valley join forces and win the hearts of beer and rice fans.
Updated on:
July 24, 2024

Speciality coffee from Kivu and Ituri, DRC

Small-scale coffee farmers prepare to export high quality organic Arabica coffee.
Updated on:
July 24, 2024

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