At Rikolto, we are committed to creating inclusive markets that ensure a dignified income for smallholder producers of vegetables, coffee, and cocoa.
In Sololá, Guatemala, we support the CORCI Association on their journey to access international markets. We focus on professionalisation and innovative technologies specifically designed to meet CORCI’s needs.
This partnership is part of our ‘Sustainable Value Chains and Prosperous Communities Programme,’ implemented by Rikolto and Alterna as part of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation for the Development of Guatemala Initiative (GEDI) of USAID Guatemala and the Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE).
In the past, we used a manual process for product reception. Rikolto has helped us generate an application in order to move from transcription tasks to a computer-based process. The most important thing is that this is a programme created for CORCI, adapted to our needs.
Juan Alberto Quino, Accountant at CORCI
Rikolto's support through GEDI has allowed us to approach international markets. A market study was conducted to analyse and identify the products in demand. We entered the retail market to supply the Central American and Guatemalan markets.
Santos Saloj, Executive Director of CORCI
Watch the movie to learn more about the initiative.